If you need us, we’ll be hiding in this Greenpoint igloo for all of 2017. Oh 2016, how do we describe you? You were the stinky person at the end of the empty subway car we got on before realizing too late why it was empty; you were the rent increase that came just a month after our health insurance cost increased, you were the vomit that fell from the Cyclone directly into our ice cream cone, you were the year we had to keep attending dance parties for beloved musical icons who kept dying and you were the year we had to deal with the alt-right and literal effing skinheads in Brooklyn. But for all it was, it was far from all bad, especially here in Broketown: in 2016, our friends behind Brooklyn’s beloved Punderdome created a home game that became an instant best-seller, we saw New Yorkers rise up in righteous, protective indignation at terror… Read More
The year in Broketown: The top 10 Brokelyn stories of 2016 : Brokelyn
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