If you are looking for the coolest event to attend on the East Coast this fall, you may want to consider a new art exhibit & fashion show set to launch on October 22, 2022 – right in the borough of Brooklyn, New York called “CraftPalooza”. Executive producers – Dewry DuRoi and Kirk Innis confirmed that this will be an event that you don’t want to miss!
We sat down with founder, Dewry DuRoi Bradford who explained why he decided to produce such an event in Brooklyn. According to Dewry DuRoi, “Brooklyn is teeming with some of the greatest creative minds in America! There are so many creatives who live here… I mean everyone from fashion designers, graffiti artists, graphic designers, entertainers… you name it! He continues, “And Brooklyn has something to say! I formed a 501(c)(3) nonprofit called HealthJox Foundation to help troubled Youth discover their purpose in life. We created an ALTERNATIVE TO PRISON PROGRAM with Judges of New York City called “Pursuing Purpose Program”. This is to get our Youth to redirect thinking realizing that they are A BRAND and need to begin to find and cultivate their purpose in life. We believe that this event will be a great way for them to experience the creative arts in a big way. We are really repping BROOKLYN hard to give everyone a sense of Brooklyn-pride. For me, it was only right to partner with the Lo-Lives to produce the fashion show portion of the show. What’s more Brooklyn than that?! We also partnered with a nonprofit called “UnderHill Walls” who have locked in 30 of the top street artists in New York City.”
Speaking with co-producer Kirk Innis who brings the live performances to the event states, “The importance of creating a platform for performing artists to exhibit their talent is key to the journey of a Creative.” He reminisced on days and nights spent in music studios all over New York City, hoping that all his hard work would pay-off by being shared with the public. Bringing on Michael “Champ” Smith & Chris Kraze from Exodus Productions, CraftPalooza offers a great variety of talented music artists showcasing a true NYC-listening experience.
CraftPalooza is set to launch on Saturday, October 22, 2022 from 4pm – 11pm at the Tillary Hotel Ballroom located @ 85 Flatbush Avenue Extension – Brooklyn, NY 11201. This FREE EVENT, with a host of over 30-top street artists, models, and performers, promises to be an authentic, nostalgic Brooklyn experience for the whole family. Attendees will enjoy healthy food and drinks as they vibe-out with some of the most talented creatives New York has to offer!
The Creative being featured for the launch is award-winning artist, mentor and inventor – Marco Santini, who draws inspiration from inclusion, positivity, and language. Jeff Beler – founder of UnderHill Walls , introduced Marco Santini to Dewry DuRoi right after the HealthJox Festival – 5th year anniversary, who immediately agreed to showcase this artists’ work. Santini will paint onsite during the actual CraftPalooza event. Asking attendees certain questions, he will build his art to be relevant to the theme of each event.

Marco Santini in front of his artwork – set to be featured at CraftPalooza on October 22, 2022.
In 2007, Marco Santini received a Bachelor of Arts in Linguistic Anthropology at Brown University, where he was intrigued by the relationship between communication, expression, and imagery. His geometric style is expressed across multiple mediums, including spray paint, paint markers, window markers, acrylics, magazines, textiles, and digital art.
Santini found his life’s purpose in 2018 to spread love and positivity as a Conscious Creator. He has expressed this through art, education, and volunteering. He speaks and paints at schools around the world, teaching students to explore their passions while turning negatives into positives.
Santini’s iconic One Love logo features the word love in 80+ languages hidden within his geometric motif. The logo is meant to signify that there is more that unites us than divides us as a human race and speaks to his great belief of Unity in Diversity, celebrating that we are all the same and all different, which is beautiful.
Santini’s work has been covered in the New York Times, Forbes, New York Post, Time Out New York, Chicago Tribune, and Maxim Magazine among others. His art has been featured at the United Nations General Assembly (2019), Art Basel Miami (2017-2019), Bloomingdale’s (2019-2022), Burning Man (2019-2022), SXSW (2019 & 2018), Hudson Yards (2019), Brooklyn Beer Garden (2020 & 2019), Shore Club Miami (2019), SLS Miami (2019), Underhill Walls (2018-2022), Montreal’s Mural Festival (2019) and many art galleries, among others.
Get CraftPalooza Tickets – FREE: Attend CraftPalooza – 2022
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