JIG Media announced the launch of a new ‘Religion’ category on a few of its digital media platforms. Religion categories have been added to NYCNewswire.com and BrooklynBuzz.com, and will expand to EastNewYork.com and NewYorkforSeniors.com in the coming weeks.
“Our goal is to fill voids in the hyper-local digital space, and after speaking to a few pastors about their need to reach the grassroots community, we decided it was time to launch a category that concentrates on religion”, stated Vernon Jones Sr, CEO of JIG Media. “Local churches are still thriving in terms of programs, events and initiatives for residents of all ages, from youth to seniors. However, their digital media exposure has not been able to keep up with the pace of other industries. Over 92% of New Yorkers consume their news and information from digital media platforms, therefore it is imperative for houses of worship to have their content placed on relevant digital platforms, if they are serious about sustainability and growth.”
Antioch Baptist Church, in Brooklyn’s Bedford Stuyvesant section, is among the first group of churches to subscribe to JIG Media’s NYC Newswire service, which guarantees their programs, services and initiatives will appear in the new religion category on the various digital media platforms.
Reverend Dr. Robert Waterman, Pastor of Antioch Baptist Church stated, “we have wonderful programs at Antioch, and we want to spread the word to the community. With the understanding that everyone is using digital media and mobile devices these days, we needed to find a way to reach the people where they are. This opportunity provides us with a platform to reach new members, and it also allows us to keep our current members engaged, digitally.”
Jones added, “The process is extremely simple. It takes 7 minutes for a church to register and post to NYCNewswire.com. During the posting process the church can select ‘Brooklyn Religion’, and their content will automatically appear on BrooklynBuzz.com, in the religion category. Churches can easily include an image and embed videos during the process. We are proud of how our developers simplified the process.”
Antioch posted their most recent bible study video on the platform. You can view it here on BrooklynBuzz.com.
To have your New York City programs and initiatives shared through multiple digital media platforms, contact JIG Media for details.
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