New York City’s Congestion Pricing and Subway Crime: A Failing Combination from Day One

Posted By NYC Newswire
OpEd by Brian Nicholson – Former Transit Rider and Lifelong New Yorker
New York City, once a bustling metropolis renowned for its vibrant energy and dense population, faces significant challenges in managing traffic congestion and pollution. In a so-called innovative approach to tackle these issues, the city has turned to congestion pricing, a system designed with the idea to reduce traffic volume, improve air quality, and generate revenue for public transportation improvements.
Congestion pricing involves charging drivers a fee to enter the most congested areas of the city during peak hours. This initiative was created to discourage unnecessary vehicle use, encourage use of public transportation, and fund infrastructure projects. The revenue generated is supposedly going to be earmarked for enhancing the city’s subway, bus, and commuter rail services, addressing long-standing needs for maintenance and upgrades. Hence, the lottery was supposed to help the NYC school system, but we never heard about that ever again.
According to supporters the implementation of congestion pricing in NYC follows the footsteps of cities like London, Singapore, and Stockholm, which have seen success in reducing traffic congestion and emissions. Critics, however, raise concerns about the financial burden on commuters and potential impacts on local businesses. Despite these challenges, the city’s administration believes congestion pricing is a crucial step towards a more sustainable and efficient urban environment.

Subway Crime: Addressing Safety Concerns

Parallel to the efforts of managing congestion, NYC faces the task of ensuring safety in its extensive subway system. With millions relying on the subway for daily commutes, concerns about crime have become a central issue for both the public and policymakers.

Just as recent as today people on the NYC subway were terrorized by a person who pulled out a gun, but was shot by a would be victim as a train full of passengers looked on and screamed in fear,

Recent years have seen an uptick in subway-related crimes, sparking debates on safety measures and police presence. The city has responded by increasing security, including deploying more police officers and enhancing surveillance technologies. Efforts also include outreach programs to address homelessness and mental health issues, often intertwined with incidents on the subway.

Bottom Line

The bottom line is any elected official who agrees with congestion pricing will go down in history as being a part of the worst ideology to ever hit New York City. Congestion pricing will cost New York City residents dearly, as truckers and Uber drives are forced to pay the cost, which in turn means New Yorkers will be charged higher prices from everything from groceries to Uber.  Price hikes always fall on New Yorkers, who are already being crushed by NYC exhorbinant  fees. How can Mayor Eric Adams, the MTA and City Council Members not understand this simple concept?

Besides the NYC subway system being frightening because of the violence, now the city has decided to randomly check rider’s bags after they pay their fare and try to make it to and from work. This is insane. Those who commit crimes aren’t paying their fares, nor are they travelling to and from work. The city is making it even worse for law abiding citizens. New York City is going to hell in a handbasket.

Don’t get me started on the fact that as a homeowner I am suffering more than ever. I have someone living in my home who has not paid rent in over a year, and now I have to sell my house just so I won’t foreclose. New York City is done! I’m selling my house and buying one in Jersey City. New York City is a money grab city that’s in bed with big business and hotel lobbyists. Hardworking New Yorkers don’t have a chance.

Good Night NYC!

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