Clowns help you wake up from America’s worst nightmare in this weird anti-Trump video

For anyone who suffers from a fear of clowns, November’s election has either cured you or made your phobia worse than ever. Having someone so comically ill-prepared and uninformed in the White House is a nonsense so profound that its depths are hard to fathom, let alone plumb for humor. But one Brooklyn-based art collective is taking a crack at it anyway, and largely succeeds with this weird new video called “Neck Ruffle.” Inspired by America’s current nightmare, CHERYL‘s “Neck Ruffle” is a thoroughly absurd pantomime that features a bunch of glittery clowns who, after discovering the results of November’s election, go around rescuing apoplectic citizens who are lying, rather poetically, half-buried in piles of dead leaves, clutching newspapers with headlines about Donald Trump. Once resuscitated, they are jostled into jocundity by the clowns, then covered in streamers, glitter and shaving cream. The clowns do a dance in front of the American flag in front of a bandshell in front of a rainbow. And… Read More

Clowns help you wake up from America’s worst nightmare in this weird anti-Trump video : Brokelyn

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