Warm your heart with this video of drag queens reading to kids at the Brooklyn Public Library

It’s hard, even in this week before the holidays, to look at the news and the great undulating horror of social media, and feel anything like hope for the upcoming year. We suggest a potent antidote to this kind of despair: turning your gaze away from the rest of the country and direct it inward at New York City, the magical island of misfit humans floating in the red sea of America where life goes on at its usual fever pitch. To warm your heart this week, here’s something relatively mundane happening at the public library that will probably cause rage spasms in the parts of America where they care about things like which bathroom you use: Broadly made a video of the Drag Queen Story Hour at the Park Slope branch of the Brooklyn Public Library, a monthly event designed to promote the “spirit of unfettered exploration of self that great books can prompt.” The New Yorker wrote about it… Read More

Warm your heart with this video of drag queens reading to kids at the Brooklyn Public Library : Brokelyn

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