When: Friday June 26, 2015 (6pm)
Where: Dean St. Restaurant/Bar – 755 Dean St., Brooklyn NY 11238
The Dean Street Cafe (Restaurant/Bar) was one of the first restaurants/bars to become very popular for local Brooklynites, during the early days of the worldwide Brooklyn boom. Hundreds of people were regulars and many became lifelong friends. As life goes, we sometimes lose touch with one another but many people still have great memories and even greater stories about the good ol’ days at Dean Street.
Brooklyn Buzz, along with the current ownership of Dean St and the original owner of Dean St, have come together to create the 1st Annual Dean Street Reunion. When Brooklyn Buzz approached John, the current owner of Dean St Cafe, he immediately said “let’s do it” and Jack, the original owner of Dean St said “…this has to be a 2 day event. I’d love to see all of the people who used to come to Dean St.” So there you have the quick story. The event will be held over a 2 day span, beginning Friday June 26 at 6pm, with “live” music, drink specials, good food and a chance for good friends to get together and re-connect, and continuing Saturday June 27 with the Dean St Reunion block party, from noon to 5pm, and more “live” music, food and friends.
Stay Tuned for Special Announcements leading up to the event….You don’t want to miss this! Share this page with friends and Check it out on Facebook. Brooklyn Buzz’s Cal Jones and Stan Parham are working to add extra specials for Brooklyn Buzz members who have the Brooklyn Buzz wristbands. If you have yours already, then keep it in a safe place. If you don’t have one yet, stay tuned and we’ll let you know where to get yours.
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