Boerum Hill

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8 Last-Minute Holiday Travel Hacks

There are moments when it pays to be a scrappy, native New Yorker with some travel hacks on autopilot. It’s important to know the weak...

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Bay RidgeBed StuyBoerum HillBrooklyn HeightsBrooklyn NewsbrownsvilleBushwickCarroll GardensClinton hill / Ft GreeneConey IslandCrown HeightsDUMBOEast New YorkListsNeighborhoodsPark SlopeProspect HeightsRed Hooksheepshead baySunset ParkWilliamsburg

23 Ways to Celebrate the Holidays for $30 or less

1. A Very Special Holiday Haunting Renditions with Eliot Glazer  Tuesday, December 16, 8:30pm Bell House, 149 7th Street $10 in...

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Bay RidgeBed StuyBoerum HillBrooklyn HeightsBrooklyn NewsbrownsvilleBushwickCarroll GardensClinton hill / Ft GreeneConey IslandCrown HeightsDUMBOEast New YorkListsNeighborhoodsPark SlopeProspect HeightsRed Hooksheepshead baySunset ParkWilliamsburg

The 39 Most Brooklyn Things Ever

BuzzFeed has done it again. These things are SOOOOOO Brooklyn… 1. These trees wearing sweaters: In Park Slope, of...

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Bed StuyBoerum HillBrooklyn HeightsBrooklyn NewsClinton hill / Ft GreeneListsPark Slopesheepshead baySunset ParkWilliamsburg

Top 6 Thrift Stores in BK

Looking for something cool to wear, at a bargain price? Head to these Brooklyn thrift stores and markets to find great merchandise that...

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