“In South Williamsburg since 2006, Glasslands is a converted warehouse, formerly a homegrown community art space turned psychedelic...
“With the release of his hit single “Part of the plan”, the Winston Salem MC solidified himself as a serious contender in...
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aiP and Chimp presents a new web series about the other side of the artist and the industry. Filmmakers aiP and Chimp will dig deeper into...
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Brooklyn songstress Satin Beretta has released a new tune on her soundcloud page! Known for her soulful, enticing voice, she has been on...
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Brooklyn hip-hop artist on the rise Leon Marin partnered up with producer Angel M. on this hot new track released only an hour ago! Check...
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ATTENTION ALL SKATERS, MUSICIANS, RAPPERS, AND PIZZA LOVERS: “House Of Vans”, located on 25 Franklin st in Williamsburg,...
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Rocko Seymour is a 21 year old director residing in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. He has had work debuted at the Tribeca Film Festival, and has...
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Imani Beau is a 17 year old songstress from East New York who attends Penn State University. She is releasing an EP later on...
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I.O.D. is a 20 year old emerging hip-hop artist from Brownsville, Brooklyn. He calls himself the “Brownsvillain”, and you might...
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Scott Morris is a young entertainer/host on the rise from Canarsie, Brooklyn. He hosts the popular “Deans List Tour”‘s,...